Well tonight I didn't really work on my art, rather I worked on promoting my art! I was lucky enough to be featured at the Fayetteville Museum of art in their Museum Shoppe for their new show, "The Energy of Line". Even though I wasn't the main artist, in fact my little pieces were just blibs on the radar compared to the 8 ft by 12 ft Jason Craighead piece or the multiple watercolor mixed media pieces by Gerry Lynch, or the unique sculptures ofSeth Hicks, it was quite a thrill for me to be in their show brochure and to get a mention during the opening comments by the art director, Michelle Horne. I stood in the background and marveled at the abstract expressionist pieces by the 3 artists and wondered what exactly I was even doing there during tonights reception. Later in the evening, I spoke with a few people that asked me where I studied. My reply? "Actually, I didn't. I'm self taught". Really??? "Really". The lady said, 'Well, even better! I love it!" It was really cool to talk a bit about my work as well as answer some questions about what it is that I do. I do realize though how far I need to go before it is that I will ever be (if ever) in the same league as some of the featured artists. Not that it's impossible, because truly--anything is possible in this country, it's just that I see now that I must go in a new and BIGGER direction in the next couple of years to be taken seriously.
Making the tiny canvases is well and good for my studies and experimentations but over the long haul, I'm going to have to expand my body of work into much larger displays of my creative expressions in mixed media. Lots to think about as I formulate my '5 year plan'.
(((a special thanks to dear Patti who helped me edit my first artist bio. she did a great job at helping me tighten up my story! Thank you Patti for your help!!!!))
Here's a snapshot of the WIP for the last couple of days. I'm actually a bit further along now since I took these shots. Small compared to what I saw tonight..lol. But cool nontheless. :)
Hope this weekend is a great
Hearty Congrats! Sounds like a great evening!
I never really thought of larger works as looking more confident - I guess that is what you mean. But it makes sense. Larger works make more of a statement?
Large works have a certain WOW factor, but they are not necessarily better. I think you should work in a size that you think best represents what you want to say. I've attended prestigious art fairs where wonderful art comes in all sizes.
That being said, I think it is good to challenge ourselves in new ways & that includes size. I've been pushing myself in that direction over the last year.
I'm so glad for you to have this opportunity. xo
you're a dear to acknowledge me, I guess you don't realize what a blessing you are... I hope one day I'm asking for your editing help:)
I think the thoughts about size and presentation are valid. Your magnets (like the one on the lamp by my bed) are tiny works of art. I think people get size and price intertwined when they are considering art, which is why my puzzle piece canvases don't sell often. Wait, is there a word limit here?
more later:)
hugs and congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jodi, I have just loved following all of the success you've been having! I was in B&N last night and ran to the magazine rack to see the CPS with your article. It was so fun to see in print! I am SO proud of you!! :D
Wow! Congratulations! This is wonderful! You must love looking at it and seeing how far you have come!
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