Would you believe this little lady was wearing a wedding dress before I got to her?? She looked a little scared to me, so I figured she just wasn't ready to get married. She needed longer hair, a pink dress and some bright sun shiny flowers to help her step outside her box and dream of the day she's ready to wear white :)
Thanks for your well wishes on my little speech today. I've had some ideas plundering through my head all week as to what I wanted to say but of course, I waited till the last minute to pull it all together and was hating myself last night for doing it. It reminded me of school projects and pulling all nighters to get them completed. Oh, you've never done that before?? heheeh Okay so it's just me that has that tendency!
I'm going to try to get some new things added to my Etsy shop this week. Things are a little slow there so not sure if this is the best avenue for me, but I'm sure it takes time to build up a clientele. I wish I could bring more exposure by buying everything I wanted from other Etsy sellers, but that would be defeating the purpose for me..LOL...which is to make extra money selling things I love to make. I had the discussion yesterday with a friend, we both agree our crafting as saved us $$ at the therapist so anyway you look at it, a 20 dollar (ahem) splurge on supplies is much cheaper than going weekly to the Dr., so I'm still ahead!
Okay I better stop procrastinating and get the last of my "props" together!
Have a great Saturday!
a blog on mixed media art, art business, living a creative life and helpful insight for juggling it all as a single parent and a full time artist.
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