So, what have you been up to?

Need to Sit a Bit and Think....or maybe I don't need to think because thinking about all the mess in my head is clogging it up like the hair that's falling out of my head and stopping up my bathroom sink lately.
This is the before picture, just a mess of graffiti doodles, fast and furious--painted over, then gessoed and then I added more images, more paint, and some journalling.
Right now, I have over 10 pieces in progress. Because it's such a big production to get everything out and paint--I just have been leaving it wrote in a post about crafts as the new home decor. Oh, I've been a master decorator for a while now. I like to do a bunch of backgrounds first, let them sit, go back, add more layers, then go back to one of my first compositions and finish that. I can't just work on one thing at a time. It's my blessing and my curse.
I've really been feeling the stress lately of everything and nothing. Nothing major is going on, but yet I feel like I've reached my boiling point. Has anyone felt like that before? It's all the little things that add up and make one big thing which creates havoc on my mind so I've taken to writing a bit at night. I'm not writing anything earth shattering, just putting a few thoughts down, doodle a bit and it really does help me calm down.
A lot of journals I see are very elaborate painted and embellished, but since I'm laying on my side in bed, it's not really practical (probably even semi-dangerous) to paint in bed. Can it be done? Probably. Will I do it? No, I, I'm going to keep this journal as a doodle journal in an effort to save at least one room in this house from my bloody paint mess.
This piece is hugh--too big for my scanner so it's not quite as clear as the others. I painted the background many moons (or suns) ago and hated it. So I painted over it. I've incorporated fabric scraps, wallpaper, and music, then added another layer of paint. This is another example using my new favorite painting tool--the credit card.

Right now, I have over 10 pieces in progress. Because it's such a big production to get everything out and paint--I just have been leaving it wrote in a post about crafts as the new home decor. Oh, I've been a master decorator for a while now. I like to do a bunch of backgrounds first, let them sit, go back, add more layers, then go back to one of my first compositions and finish that. I can't just work on one thing at a time. It's my blessing and my curse.
That doesn't mean I won't cut up some magazines while in bed. Sleeping with scissors has a sort of bad girl aura about it that doesn't bother me like painting in bed does.

This piece is hugh--too big for my scanner so it's not quite as clear as the others. I painted the background many moons (or suns) ago and hated it. So I painted over it. I've incorporated fabric scraps, wallpaper, and music, then added another layer of paint. This is another example using my new favorite painting tool--the credit card.
After I finished with the blue, gold, white, and pale yellow colors, I let it sit awhile and thought about what it looked like. The more I looked at it, the more I thought it looked like the sky. But it was missing something...oh yeah...the sun! And thus, this is how I created the Sun..LOL
This piece isn't finished just yet, or maybe it is. I need float around in my brain and in my vision for a bit more before I decide.
Where she's going, no one knows. I do know I have too much in my head right now and need to get it all out, some how, someway. Do I start with the vision? No, the vision takes shape as I open up to it.
Now, if I could only open up more easily, we'd be good to go!
Have an artfully good weekend! I am going to take advantage of the tax free weekend to start the boys school shopping AND I hope to make it to Borders to buy the new publication, Artful Bloggers, by Stampington. I will blow a gasket if they don't have it! LOL
I love your doodle journal!!! We're heading out shopping starts here in 11 days!!
OOooh girl, the Too Much In My Head is fabulous!!!
You should be crowned the Doodle Queen!
Oh you are so good to inspire me the way you do. SOmeday, with lots of practice, I hope to be half this good.
Very creative, I love your art!
Love your "Too much in my head..."--I can really relate! It's great, and the scribbled background really makes it!
LOL--and I mean OUT LOUD, over the bad girl--sleeping with scissors hahaha!
It' hard to think of school starting back up so quickly! Could someone make time slow down a bit--please???
Smiles, Karen
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