Where Did Time Go?
It's a question I'm asking more and more everyday.

I also used my scanner--dusted the baby off to upload these collages and the difference in picture clarity is amazing. you can almost read the writing with the ones I scanned whereas the ones I took pics of are terribly blurry (and thus didn't get featured). Amazing difference. I really must get a camera that is better. I fear that if I take photos of all my stuff, it's going to be a poor represenation of what they really look like.
This little lady is sitting up dictionary pages, music, scrapbooking papers, then I tissue papered on top, let dry, gessoed, let dry, then added distress ink, let dry, doodled, then added the pictures, then painted over again.Phew...what a long process, but I love the textures and subtle colors with a pop of pink and yellow. I think the end result of this is pretty cool. My theme started with the quote "Life is to Love Many Things" by Van Gogh....we can love many things, dream many things, experiment with all possiblities and the outcomes are endless, but at some point, we need to take control and corral the dreams into actions and reality.
Well, since you can't build Rome by sitting on your hinney...I best be going and stir up some more paints!
If you have five minutes try:
1) making a portable craft basket for crafting on the go--or creating in a room of the house you wouldnt' normally.
2) Start a journal--write anything and everything in it.
3) Make a picture with one color, different shades of it, different lines and see what you come up with.
4) Take a magazine and cut, cut, cut! It doesn't matter what you cut, words, pictures, eyes, hats, flowers, use these for inspiration on future projects.
5) Write a letter to yourself as a 21 year old--give yourself advice and words of wisdom.

Well, since you can't build Rome by sitting on your hinney...I best be going and stir up some more paints!
If you have five minutes try:
1) making a portable craft basket for crafting on the go--or creating in a room of the house you wouldnt' normally.
2) Start a journal--write anything and everything in it.
3) Make a picture with one color, different shades of it, different lines and see what you come up with.
4) Take a magazine and cut, cut, cut! It doesn't matter what you cut, words, pictures, eyes, hats, flowers, use these for inspiration on future projects.
5) Write a letter to yourself as a 21 year old--give yourself advice and words of wisdom.
If you think you need a better camera - then get one. It would be a terrible shame to have not-so-great photos of beautiful work! After all the thought and time you've put into your artwork - you should have photos that show it in it's best light!
...that's just my two cents : )
Best - Jenn : )
I love the collages Lucy! Are you going to sell them?
I am totally in love with these collages! They are awesome Lucy!! Great tips too! I have wanted for awhile a tote to take in other rooms in the house to create in! Thanks for the reminder! Hugs!
Hello!! Fantastic blog, and art!!!! It's wonderful!!
Thank you for the comment that you left on my blog! I am sure that I can spare a few sheets of the German scrap thingies. Just mail me your addy.
I am adding you to my favorites list!!
Lucy these are gorgeous! And you must tell me about Gesso, I'm intrigued.
Seriously, when all the SGS swap biz is done, we need to swap. I mean finally already, right???
Dinah--yes I am going to sell these, I'm thinking 15.00 each or 2 for 25.00. I'm trying to decide on the best price on each of my works but based on the size 8x8 and the time (2 days) and the amount of different elements 15.00 should be a good price, maybe even a little low. Thoughts??
Thanks Jenn for the idea, you are so right--a good camera is needed to show my works in the best light. That's been making me abit gun shy to begin with when it comes to listing anything.
Suzan-thank you for the offer--I really would like to pay for the papers though :)
Rebecca--you got it sista' we definitely need to swap!! Gesso is used in a couple of different ways, its actually paint with a touch of plaster in it so it has a thicker base and is used to prime canvas boards as well as tone down other paints or create a washed look when watered down over layers of collaged or painted backgrounds. I broke down and got a big bottle of it since I've been using alot of canvassess rather than just watercolor paper.
NancyB--thank you for your kind words and for stopping by. I LUV your work, too!!!
Thanks ladies for dropping by!!!
Your collages are wonderful! Lots of depth and emotion.
I have to agree with Jenn on the camera thing. If you want to do any kind of business online you need to be able to present your work in a clear and creative manner--which you can't do with a crappy camera!
I had to chuckle at your #5 on the list--because we have had my 21 year old step daughter staying with us while her leg heals (she broke her ankle in 2 places and had to have surgery on it)--and she and I have been having long heart-to-heart talks and I've been dispensing lots of advice from my "vast knowledge" LOL!
Smiles, Karen
Awesome collages! Did you know what you were going for with all of those layers or was it an evolving thing that unfolded? It's so hard for me to get a vision, but I really would like to do more collage.
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