I've been on a binge lately.
And this is only the icing on the cake.
1.) paint
2) canvas boards
3)every paper I own
5) stamps
And went on a binge.
An Art Binge.
It was messy, people. Real Messy. My nails and arms and pants and heck even my boob proves it. ((My right one gets in the way sometimes, the girl likes to get involved in Momma's work, what can I say)?
I'm naming the above background, "Ghost Dresses". In this piece, I experimented with painting with a credit card. No--not a good one silly. An old expired one, you know you have a couple in your wallet (or is that just me who rarely cleans out her junk?).

You'd be amazed at what you find.
I'm still discovering.

Whooooo--hooooooo it's almost Friday, which means it's almost Yard Sale day!! I have been restraining from thrifting for over 3 weeks now and I feel some quarters in my pocket itching to get out! What am I looking for? I'm really looking for art and craft supplies, or anything that can be used in my collages. Stay tuned for the transformation of the few collages I posted above coming in the next few posts, as well as some fabulously cool mail art I received from Miz Smoochie Lips, and pics from the Sweet Goodness Summer Swap!
Have a great Friday, and an Artfully Thrifty Weekend!
good words of advice - everything can be used in art.
It is a hard lesson to learn to be cautious around people. I have learned this lesson far too many times. Or maybe I didn't learn it enough. I too strive to be truthful, in fact I have a hard time not telling the truth. As I am more in tune with people's energies though I'd like to think I can read them better. Some people leave me drained and I know that they are not healthy to be around. It's amazing how much we can feel if we let our intuition do the work. Your art is beautiful and I too have the thrifty itch. I miss yard sales as it has been nearly three weeks since I too have gone yard saleing. Here's to thrifting finds for you.
That is a crappy thing to go through :( I think when a big breach of trusts happens, it can make you sort of jaded, and that sucks, because most people are good. The bad ones can be just so bad though :(
Your credit card art is way cool!
Credit card art, who woulda thunk it? Very cool. I especially like your "ghost dresses". Really nice!
I have been dealing with a client this week who was the victim of a real estate scam, so I hear you on the trust issue. Makes you look at things a little bit differently.
Oh, Ive missed alot over here, Ive been a baddddddd blogger letely!!LOL, thanks for visiting!!
Looks like you've been having some fun in the paint. I like the blue/purple one..love those colors.
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