First off---Breanna--don't read this post! (Yet)! The post contains some pics of your swap (not everything..heehee) but enough that you should hold off a few days!!
Second of all---Today is send off day for our SGS Yellow and Orange Bucket full of Fun swap, it's hard to believe that a little over a month has passed since we set this up!! You must go and check out the great pics so far of everyone's baskets & containers. The pictures of the swap are just out of this world, so bright and cheery--It would be hard not to be in the summer mood after receiving some of the wonderful packages that are flying around coast to coast! For the most part, we have had a terrific swap. Unfortunately we did have a few flakers, but the good news is we have had some swap angels swoop in and come to the rescue, and Rebecca, Leigh Anne and I are going to be sure to thank those angels with some good swap karma goodies for stepping up and volunteering. Altogether though, we have a wonderful group of swappers and for the numbers we have been doing, we've had excellent completion ratio.
So without further ado--check out the containers HERE
And check out the Sent & Received packages HERE
For those of you who haven't joined our groups yet, please do!!! We can't wait to see your pics.

This is a snapshot of a few of the pages I made for Breanna. Now mind you , I am by no means a scrapbooker. I've never made one in my life. But I do love paper, collaging, painting, and journalling, so I hope I did her justice with my first ever art journal. There's plenty of pages opposite of the one's I put together for her to add her own pictures and embelishments if she wants.
I will add my pics to the group in a few days when my partner gets her package so as to not spoil the surprise, but if you want a sneak peek--check out my photos here !
I can hardly wait to get started on our next Swap!

I had to include a picture to inspire me to get my rear in gear and get back in shape. Oh my, this is not how I want to be remembered so I am shaming myself into fitness. The front view was worse so a side view is all I was brave enough to post today. With all my escapades this summer with visitors and traveling, I just have gained too much wait--not to mention the stress of this whole year. The 21st was the one year anniversary of the fire in my house which is hard to believe---I lost weight initially after it because I was on full speed trying to recover from it, move, and just plain getting our lives back together, then there was the drama with my x-other half for the majority of the year that I turned to eating for comfort--but now, I just have to tighten my belt, stop using problems I've had as excuses and get back into the shape I was a couple of years ago and 30 lbs lighter. So anyway--I'm posting this pic as a before pic, like the before basket picture and hopefully by fall, I will post another picture slimmer and trimmer.
A older customer of mine asked me if I was pregnant ((((which I AM NOT), and I about choked out some tears as I said ummmm NO....., and then she said matter of factly, "Well you have gained alot of weight. Why did you do that?" Oh because I really enjoy seeing my gut hang over my pants and I'd be lonely without my 2 other chins. ??? What the h-e-double L kinda question is that?? LOL RUDE that's what. Anyway, truth hurts I guess. My counterpart told me, consider the source---she's a crazy old lady anyway! LOL
Not too crazy, I grudgingly have to admit.
They say the definition of insanity is doing things the same way over and over but expecting different results--so I guess to become more sane, I need to change my ways.
I'll keep you updated in the months to come to see how it's going.
That's all the swap and fat news for today, make it a great week!
First off, don't listen to the old lady! It's just not nice. You should see me form the side LOL. LA and I have a little inspirational dieting group. Let me know if you want to join!
I love your basket and your journal!!
LOL! LOL! LOL! I am sorry, but that was the funniest thing because seriously, I have a whole muffin-top thing going on above my waistline too.
You're very brave and I'm much to much of a wimp to post my gut.
So... lets see... maybe I'll do some situps in the morning.
What a horrible thing to say to someone. Just don't listen to that kind of people!
You sure put together lots of beautiful things for this swap. Your swap partner will be very lucky.
Great little basket. Did it take you a long time to cover it with paint?
Wow, RUDE!!! You look fine. But good for you if you want to get back to where you are are happier.
Love the swap basket you painted and I just saw the goodies YOU got! lots of lovely things :)
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