Wow. Can it be true?? I was trying to get a close up of the gray hair that has been sprouting it's ugly head for more than a couple of years, when I took this pic...but other than the gray hair and the fact that I about throw my shoulder out answering the phone and have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning-I barely feel like I'm almost 40 (December 13th to be exact)! I still feel like I'm 35, not 40.
It's been a really good year, thank you 39. I appreciate you being kind to me. I think I deserve a few more good years. No pressure though. Just if you want to be good to me again this year...I'd be really....

Yes, that describes how I feel about how this year went. I've found a great community within my hometown, finally. I've made such headway with my artistic endeavors, it's unbelievable. My Etsy shop has really taken off, my artwork has taken on a new direction and my body of work really shows a great theme with my 'In the Village" collection of all the places I've lived and loved--I've put myself out there in bricks and mortar shops locally and in nearby areas.......my first publication, and a new group founded in my community that's helping direct the 'bizness' side of art, several art shows this fall including a feature at the Fayetteville Museum of Art....not to mention my online group of supporters and friends...so much to be grateful for.
My family has been unbelievably supportive, I don't want to forget them either.....from my lil man who loves to brag on what Momma does, to MY Momma who brings my stuff I send her into work to brag on me too...how funny...40 years old and she still sends things to Momma to hang on the fridge! I have a great support system from NY to Florida and every place in between with my core family who is very involved in my new aspiration. Thank you...thank you for your support.
Day job wise--this year was a good year for me, too....I have done some out of the branch projects (Florida in February..poor me ;), mentoring of new employees, I've managed two branches simultaneously, received several awards for being a leading manager for 4 months in row for NC, I was promoted to Assistant Vice President, and took on other various leadership projects such as hiring and interviewing for our new branch that will be opening in February. Lots of great opportunities.

I also achieved a lot of the goals I set out to do at the beginning of the year. I really think I was able to do so because I made a list monthly of goals I wanted to acheive--not year long goals, but monthly goes that were achievable and I tried my best to stick to them. I'm going to continue to do that in my 40th year and hopefully I will continue to rise above my own self. I'm not competing with anyone but myself. I have to remember that. I just simply want to improve on the old Jodi. Ahem. I mean the young looking old Jodi. LOL
In celebration of my 40th birthday---I'm going to host a giveaway for all my blog readers and friends. I don't really have time to make anything new--but I am going to offer a $40 dollar shopping spree in my ETSY shop---you can pick out whatever you want and I will apply a 40 dollar discount to your order!!!
Now--if there is something you want special--I can do that, too--but it will take me a few weeks to get some new work done because I'm working on several new pieces for a new gallery that I'm hoping to show in January and have to complete those first--BUT...I don't mind taking on a custom order after that.
What will 40 dollars get you? I have magnets, prints, collages, paintings, ACEO's and more. AND, I am going to list a few more items before Christmas, so who knows what else I will find.
How to enter??
Leave a comment and tell me what one thing you want to achieve in 2009 to make yourself or your life better. What is it that you want to soar to? What do you aspire to do in 2009?
If your posting doesn't link back to a blog or website where I can get your email, please leave your email in your post :)
Giveaway ends at just before midnight on December 13th.
Thank you,
Thank you everyone for making my 39th year so special. I've been able to achieve much more because of all the support I've received from so many!
Here's to a great 2009 for us all!
Would you really want to be 20 again? lol I sure wouldn't!
Okay maybe to have the wrinkle free skin of my 20's, lol.
Happy Bday to you girl, you have been such an inspiration to me since I discovered the mixed media thread!
My real goal for 2009 is to be bold and get my art work out into the public more than I have ever done before. To just go into shops etc. and see if they would like to display my art work. Not an easy task to do but I'm determined!!
Another wonderful giveaway. Well, I did win the last one, so I want somebody else to win this one. However, I did want to comment. Happy Happy Birthday to one of the sweetest friends that I have met on Metsy. Your work is beautiful and inspiring and you are the BEST. As for me, I have been in this business for a long time and I think that really what I want to do is to gear down and take it easy more. I have a problem in not being an overachiever, so I want to be a bum.....lol.....
a wonderful happy birthday (a bit early) to one of the best art friends I know....and thanks for the inspiration to get myself going and create! goals??? hmmmm...I still want to spend more time submitting work....the feeling was so good the first time they said yes, that I want "more"....so in 2009, I am going to put myself out there a bit more, and maybe even scour the area for shows to participate in (that's the really scary one :) Anyway, have a wonderful remainder to your 39th and a great start to your 40th.
Well I don't want to be 20 again, but I wouldn't mind my 20 year old body back-lol! 40 isn't so bad, I've been doing it for 4 years now:-) It does make you take stock and set goals, that is what set me on this path. My BIG goal is a secret that I shared with you. I'm not ready to speak it publically but I appreciate that you have been there to share it with. Great success in the next year!
Hapde Burfday!
Happy early birthday! I hope it turns out to be a great day.
I popped on to leave a comment on your newest painting. I am just droolnig over it! I can't wait to see it once it's completed.
Okay, I'll bite. Since I'm on here I may as well enter the blog give away. I've never entered one before! Hmmm...let's see...My BIG goal for 2009 is to get my business established and have a steady second income coming in. I'm just starting out with it so I will be a lot of hard work!
Hey Jodi
Happy Birthday! I turn 40 in January and know exactly how you feel! It's an amazing time to be alive- I am opening my wings and learning to fly. In 2009 I am going to have an ever better, more creative and more productive year than 2008 (and that's saying a lot!!) I am so glad I met you. You are truly an inspiration!
Keep up the good work!!
Jodi - You don't even look close to 40! Congratulations on a stellar year. And what a smart, lucky woman you are to recognize it.
I'm with most everyone else, I wouldn't want to be 20 again, but I would like to have my 20 year old body. The one I wasn't happy with back then - what was I thinking???
My goal for the coming year is to establish some steady work habits and build up my body of work, get published 3 more times, and work my way towards being able to produce a steady 2nd income for the family. Inside of all that, I want to explore myself as an artist, really learn to express myself on purpose - instead of inadvertantly ("I meant her to look happy, but she looks sad..., oh, yeah. That.")
As usual, I wrote a little novel. Happy Birthday ahead of time, I'm so happy we're getting to know each other!
Ok, call me a sap, but I cried reading your post. Maybe coz of my anniversary and nice dinner with hubby, maybe my emotions are running rampant, lol.
I wish you the happiest of birthday's, you are a kind soul and I value our friendship. Your words and art inspire me so. I wish I had your gift of writing...
That being said, I want to achieve a less worried, less negative, less frazzled life. I am my worst enemy...and before I cry again...I will leave it at that. I would love to be a positive thinker and kindred spirit, to myself... might not make sense to anyone but me. Thank you for your friendship...
You share a birthday with my sister & St Lucia (I think)! Hope it is just fabulous - remember to take some TIME OFF ;D
Seriously, though, I always enjoy your posts & pieces. Your productivity inspires me to stop grumbling, get off my duff & make more art!!
Hope your special day is a wonderful one & your next year brings even more health, wealth & happiness!
Your plan of making monthly goals is a good idea. I need to be a better planner. I had hoped to complete at least one painting per month, but have fallen behind the goal. So I will try again. I also want to work on two focused journals.
Happy Birthday! You look fabulous, dahling! :) 40 is the new 20..didn't you get the memo?
I think 2009 is going to be the year for me to really come out of my shell. I'm working on being less introverted, and let people get to know me better. I've already got a jump start on it, and hope to shine even brighter.
Here's to your bday and 2009. woo!
I turned 38 last Thursday and I still feel like I'm 20. I just don't see myself as old; although others might! :-)
In 2009; I would love to train to run/walk a 1/2 marathon. That's my goal anyway!
Its not how old you are, but how good you look. And you look smokin'! Happy Birthday!
Happy (early) Birthday! you look fabululous dahling :-D
You have accomplished so much this last year, and I wish you even more success the next!
What do I want to accomplish? Well,I would love to learn to organize my time more effectively, and I want to continue growing artistically.
In your case, I'd say 40 is the new 16, so happy sweet day! It has been so gratifying over the past few months to watch life unfold as it should. It's often so difficult to comprehend the delays and wrong turns, but ultimately, when you're on your true path, new doors are illuminated. I'd say the next ten years will be filled with challenges and opportunities that you've never imagined - that is my hope for you, and for me.
hugs, p
I so enjoy your comments and this lovely blog. I'm just learning how to blog, so I guess I've found a great place for inspiration! Your art is also so inspiring... such warmth and so universal.
I just turned 40 in October. Wow, the fretting I did, too! But honestly, I think we're just hitting our prime. It seems you're certainly coming into your own, and that's what's important.
I hope for myself the same this coming year. And, as another mentioned, I strive for that inner peace and comfort within my own skin. (And still hope to giggle uncontrollably from time to time.)
Happy Birthday, and congrats on all you've accomplished!
Bren over at Etsy Mixed Media Thread
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays! You've shown me that anything is possible if you set a goal and put your mind to it accomplishing it.
In the upcoming year, my goal is to put myself and my art out there a bit more. Etsy is wonderful and so convenient, but I really need to expand my horizons.
Oh to be 40 again! LOL! Wait 'til you get real old like me.
As other's have stated, you are an inspiration to me. I love watching your dedication and evolution. Feel proud that you have touched so many lives in positive ways.
My goal for 2009, to sit down with you early in the year and draw a map of my goals for 2009.
Hugs! -- Nanette
Happy Birthday dear lady, WHat do I want to achieve in 2009? Oh my but where to begin. I want a creative room all my own. And I want my art and crafting supplies organized better in one place instead of all over the house. I have two rooms in the house in mind to accomplish this task. I want it to happen in 2009.
And I would love a $40.00 shopping spree in your shop!! Wow!! I'd be like a child in a candy shop. :-)
As for you turning 40, YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!
Happy, happy Birthday! You look fabulous and there just can't be a nicer person out there.
What I want to do better for the new year...Learn to speak without such a heavy southern accent! People are beginning to ask me to repeat too much and it ain't sweet repeats either. hehe
The forties were the best years of my life. So live it up!
Have a fantastic 40th birthday! You do not look your age!!!
In the year 2009,
I would like to DAILY indulge my artistic passion....painting and creating just for fun.
I hope to share my art with more people and more places than ever before.
I dream of daily discipline in the area of eating right and exercise.
I aspire to continue my spiritual growth in the area of loving and sharing my life with all who cross my path...
I would love to daily remember that each day is a gift and my joy comes from what's happening inside, not outside.
Here's to a great 2009 for all!!
Happy Birthday, and thanks for inviting us all along to celebrate with you.
My wish for 2009....as I approach my 40th...is to live...Live life Fully...no more ho-hum for me...
This is the year that I actually live some of the dreams I have...art wise...just getting my work out there...not have it hidden in my studio anymore. I want to be a full time studio artist and instructor...At home...there needs to be order, and next year, I will work at that too...
Best wishes to you and yours.
Happy Birthday Jodi!!! I just had my 39th on Dec. 8th!! Even though under the weather, it was the best - good friends, loving family, hope - what more can a gal ask for? I too have sprouted my first few grays I have to search for them. But I like to think my inside glow blinds people!! lol. Hey, what I wish for this year is to break through my neglectful and clutter areas in my house so that I may concentrate on creating art. I want to be an artist by EXAMPLE not just talking wistfully about the past, or reading or getting excited about artist's dates. .. Speaking of that you are a huge inspiration and I always love checking in with you at your blog and on Facebook. I hope your Birthday Rocks!! You look beautiful!!... xoxoxo, Tory
My goodness. You can't be 40. You surely don't look it! Congrats on another year older and wiser it sounds, with all that you've accomplished. I will turn 40 next year and while I don't really care about the numbers, I do have plans to better myself next year.
One thing I want to do is be more together as a family. The girls and I are together all day for homeschooling so in the evenings we tend to go our separate ways to play, read, do art, be on the computer, play Wii, etc... that we don't spend time together then. We don't usually even have dinner at the table. It's sad, I know. It's my goal for the year, more quality time together. Dinners, devotions, game nights. Stuff like that.
40 and Fabulous!! I've said it before, but just to be sure you heard me the first couple times, I am amazed at what leaps and bounds you've achieved in the year I was awol! It was seriously like seeing that childhood friend all "growed up!"
Happiest new personal year to you!
My new goal for 2009 is to never compromise my own spirit for other people's agendas. I think that's going to be a tricky one for me, but I'm hell bent on doing it!
Dear Lucy:
It sounds you really are having the best time in your life! It´s been amazing watching you grow as an artist, you are a wonderful soul and deserve the best in everything!
I wish you a greater year, everything is progressive so I´m sure you will! Thanks for sahring so much beauty and love...
Happy Birthday! :)
Hi Jodi, Happy Birthday!!! The 40’s have been some of the Best years of my life.
My name is Terica , I am remodeling my “New Nest” in Sanford ,NC.
I am a new member to the MM art guild just joined this week. I am a New Pressed Flower Artist starting out and but a Lifer in Mixed Media , so I decided to find a group here in NC that I could join , learn and grow with! I loved your blog and was reluctant on posting for the prize , till fate took me to your etsy picture . I clipped the note you had with it! below
In this piece, I convey my desire to have "A Nest of My Own", not just a home of my own, but I long to live somewhere that I can plant my roots and truly belong. I have always loved botanicals and incorporating flowers in my paintings, as flowers give me hope. Representing the roots and beauty I so desire in my life. Have you ever felt this way?? Hopefully this original artwork will speak to you and you can give her a good home.
She spoke to me ! So here’s my goal for 2009!
I was married for 16 years , owning my own place to do as I wanted. In 2004 , I started over , I found a wonderful Man who makes me truly whole. Started doing art again !
Then my Landlord found out that He’s being foreclosed on! Time to move again! Now my youngest son is moving on his own.
Starting a “Fresh Nest” is my goal .
I am in the process of remodeling an old broken down house that was begging to be saved! It’s Biggest attraction was the 2 Great Oak trees that shades the little house . So big 3 people could hug them at once!
I am buying this acre of land , right out of city limits . To grow Anything I choose ! (No Landlord!!) It is already blessed with lots of varieties of wild flowers and old heirloom flowers too! A Presser’s paradise , free flowers!
The House is my Goal for 2009 ! To make it a Home !! It will be a long and hard process but Done with love. This is to be Our Nest of our own !!
We have 2 shops in mind as well that are in future plans for the land , one for me and one for him ! To create what ever inspires us ! I have already planned a web for us , called Two Bloomin Artists!
We are both Nature lovers and the land is truly what sold us the Place , now we just have to make the house a Home!
Thanks for letting me Realize how Blessed a Year I have ahead!
Happy Birthday and God Bless, Terica
Just wanted to say "Happy Birthday". I know the next year will be amazing for you. Just believe in yourself and surround yourself with positive people. Life is good. So glad we finally got to meet at Art of Carolina's.
Happy 39 again! You have had an amazing year, and I do think the older we get the better it is! Truly. Congratulations on all your wonderful success. You are truly blessed.
Now for me for 2009, I really want to find my own way, to find that medium that I adore, and explore it. To create all those things on my list that I have been dreaming of, but have never made the time. To be true to myself, create from my heart, not what others may want. Good luck to you, and to me!
Have a great Holiday!
Forty is fabulous! It's where wisdom meets a genuine appreciation for each moment. At forty one should stop waiting for "someday" and start living life to its fullest. Imagine the possibilities!
In 2009, my 43rd year, I'll focus on the important...not the urgent; I'll reacquaint myself with a sense of peace in my heart; and on a regular basis I'll take a bit of time to do absolutely nothing.
2008 was a year of exceeding my goals. 2009 will be a year of celebrating this success while thoughtfully moving forward.
I hope that 2009 is a year of dreams come true for all of you too.
I don't need to win anything from you hon'. Being a friend of yours is prize enough. Am I going to get to buy you a martini next week? I am looking forward to celebrating. You have had a fabulous year. Next year will be even more amazing I am sure.
oh happy birthday!
i think things have just gotten nicer for me since turning 40 ..... working hard, playing hard, being happy, are all coming easier, i suppose ... i wish the same for you!
and my wish for '09 .... the same ... work hard, play hard, be happy .... amidst the chaos!
Happy birthday in two days! I'm close behind you as I turn 40 at the end of January.
For my goals for 2009, I want to try to get my work in more local brick and mortar stores, so as soon as my two boys go back to school after their Christmas break, I intend to start making appointments and heading out to different neighborhoods.
Your work is stunning and reflects what a talented artist you are. Congrats on all your successes in 2008 and may 2009 be an even better year!
happy early birthday!! 40 seems so young when you're almost 56 (on december 23rd!!) like me. in many ways, i feel younger than i have in 20 years. i credit that to the incredible creative journey i've been on for the last 2 years. my two goals for 2009: 1) get a scanner and a printer so i can expand my art into prints, magnets, cards, etc. 2) get my art, photos or poetry published in an art magazine. here's to 2009!!
Dear, dear Jodi! I am somewhat 'spoiled' when it comes to the whole 'age thing'... I come from hearty stock; and despite being 40 myself, most times I still feel just like the silly college gal I was 20 years ago :-\
You have had SUCH an amazing year; and I look forward to seeing all of the wonders that will continue to unfold for you as you continue on your creative path!
As for me, in 2009 I want to be a better me (better wife, better mom, better friend, better artist)... Not asking too much, is it? I don't think so! Just want to keep on keeping on: more living, more loving, more laughter and more ART!
Happy, happy birthday my friend! I will look forward to celebrating with you, next week :-)
- p
great giveaway:) I want to get better at drawing-learn to paint(and try all kinds of other new arty things too)-and open up an etsy shop:)
What an inspirational post! It's so good to hear when someone is following their dreams and the Universe is opening the way for them. And your genuine gratitude is a key element in this. My best wishes for your continued prosperity and abundance! If I should be lucky enough to win our giveaway, I leave it up to you to choose the goodies you send me. I would be thrilled to receive anything you've made. It's all so lovely! As for what I'd love to achieve in 2009, it is to create something every day - something, anything, as long as each day is a creative one in some way. xo Serena
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