So this is what it looks like during the heat of the artistic moment.....the blanks start to get some faces and the world begins to make sense again....
then all becomes much clearer and you see where you are going in this chaotic world.
After making, oohhh 30 or so different cards, I decided to go back to my quaint village in my favorite colors. You get to know an artist and then she decides to change her shoes...ya it feels weird but ya know, a girl can never have too many shoes. She has a right to change her style every so often :)
I didn't quite make my internal goal of 60 cards, but I did make about 42 I believe. I experimented with watercolors, india ink, graphite pencil, water soluble graphite, water soluble oil pastels, charcoal, and acrylic paints, and a couple of collage. ATC or ACEO's are great for experimenting. You can try out new tricks and and learn new treats :)
Oh yes, my elusive portrait work...I dont' know if I will ever master this skill. I'm getting better though, although my girls still look like fairies or victorian is what it is, maybe she is SUPPOSED to be a fairy and I had no control over the situation. The pencil did it, really!
I've never been that great at getting my holiday house in order. Maybe next year I'll have more holidy geared items but so far my only holiday creations are these cards and then my new originals that are in modern holiday colors.
**To see the entire lot--please check out my flickr page!
Late last night, I had a wild hair to rearrange my furniture. I was sick of looking at my art mess and while it's still there, I have magically opened up things by moving my furniture around. I also came up with a brilliant idea to take over a whole built in book shelf and turn it into art shelves. Now...I did say idea, I didn't make this happen yet other than move some supplies close to their new home...but now at least I'm not caged in by Isn't that funny that the things that give us joy can also give us pain?? I am inspired by all my supplies but I'm also at times overwhelmed by all th things that are everywhere. I've bought quite a few bins lately and other storage but there is still a ways to go before I have it to a mangeable level. Once the books get rearranged so that my art stuff can go onthe shelves in a more orderly fashion, I'll be good to go. Lia, our fearless Art Everyday leader is also working on the Soul Coaching program. One big healing/growth activity that they recommend is cleaning and purging to cleanse your soul. I can see how it helps. I feel slightly less stressed today. It also could be because I finished and met a few deadlines in the last couple of days so I have that off my mind. I do think the purging of the old and organizing of what is left is very neccessary to free my mind and soul so I can move on to the next big project. Time is what I'm lacking so I plan to do a little everyday. Tonight, I got a late start so I just cleaned the kitchen and took everything off my art table so I could start fresh with new paper and new supplies. It does feel good :)
Hope you can cleanse your palette and free your mind even in a small way this week!!!
you know what? your just one of the best ATC creators that i have seen online-they are works of art that look like they should be framed and hung up!!
42?!! Wow--they look fantastic too! I totally agree with the cleaning and purging thing, and need to get on some of that myself--very much so! lol It's crazy how it all adds up so fast. One thing at a time though...I'll get to it when the time is right. Good luck to you and have fun creating your art shelves.
Smiles, Karen
Thanks so much for the kindness and thoughtful comment you left on my blog--I am touched :o) You are such a dear soul.
girl, you're on fire!! i love the homeward bound piece!
you totally can't tell that it is hard for you, working that small!
thank you for the help, it means allot!!
i just love the way you write!
so real and fun :)
and I totally relate to your love/hate relationship with all the art materials. Sooooo true!
I am astounded by how much you can create in a short amount of time.
I just LOVE your belonging ATC.
I have been feeling closed in by my art area, too. Unfortuntately, there really isn't a good place to move things to right now because we have yet to finish the insides of our new windows & I'm not getting all established until that's done. So for now I just put on the blinders.
I love your little Christmas houses.
I left a little award for you today! Come by to see me when you can.
Love your selection of cards - just wonderful! I can relate to need to de-clutter. Sounds like you're doing the right thing :)
Jodi I just love that yellow color palette! So fresh.
i so need to clean my art space ... but think i'm going to wait til after the holidays ...i'm on such an art binge that i don't want to slow down to tidy!
Hey girl, boy you had a productive few days! Your ATC's are wonderful!
Hi Jody,
Your ATCs were wonderful at the show! You are brilliant at making them. I almost caught the fever at the AOC show! Really, I saw how effortlessly so many made them and I can hardly wait until I have time to play.
Cool site
Absolutely beautiful Jodi. Great job on everything. Congrats on the show.
Teresa aka Tess
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