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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blooming Hearts Acrylic painted collage

Oh ya--I'm all about the hearts lately. Hearts hearts everywhere--you should see my craft table right about now. It looks like Valentine's Day threw up on my table! LOL Not a sweet image but it's the truth. Do I have anything heart related on my etsy shop??? No---that would make too much sense!! What is wrong with me?
Well for one thing, it's been non stop for me between work, home, and the kids. I haven't felt like making things for production lately only because the stress on my everywhere else has waned my desire to sell right now. Don't get me wrong, I want to sell my art, I just have had too much on my plate to focus on it. My reason for creating was to release my stress, not add to it. So, since my day job pays the bills---that's gotta be my priority. As soon as I get back from my trip though---watch out!

First pic is a scan and it came out pretty close to the colors on this 5 x 7 acrylic painted collage with decorative papers. I'm calling this piece "Blooming Hearts". Totally cute and whimsical. I've had this background--well the basic blue and pink for about 6 months--and it's sat in my stash of backgrounds all this time untouched. Then, when I did my last piece, the colors were so close that I felt that this piece was meant for more hearts. It's almost like I had a premonition many months ago that I would be doing this piece. I think that's how a lot of art is. Sometimes the inspiration comes in spurts, other times, it takes many months if not years to speak it's voice.

This second picture is a digital image and it's a little more muddy since I took it at night w/o the flash indoors. You can see some of the details better in this image. Those little squares?? Try dry wall tape. LOL It's amazing. My new favorite toy!!

If you haven't joined or uploaded your pics for the Sweet Goodness Hanging Heart Swap--please do so soon! The hanging goodness is starting to roll in--be sure to check out all the craftivity going on with our swappers!


That's it for me today, I'm overtired and need some chill time. My friend had surgery today and I was the 'responsible person' for her so I was up at the crack of dawn to go and get her, take her to surgery with ds in tow, take ds to school, go back to the hospital and wait....and wait some more....then took her to get meds, a few groceries and then traveled back home (40 minutes x4 trips). I'm glad to do it though--she's helped me out in more ways than I can even express over the several years that I have known her. I'm still tired though..LOL.

Have a great Friday!


Kelly Warren said...

these are very cute! nice job!

Anonymous said...

hi I love your job.. really nice.. I want have moore inf about.. and how can i buy? this is my email