Heidi--if you read this, I used a wallpaper sheet I bought from you for the background...painted it with gesso first, then acrylics and then stamped :) This was the map wallpaper. Cool :)
Just a quick post tonite, on my latest collage. I was working on an assignment with Jane, but scrapped the first try (at least for now) and started with a different assignment--this theme is repetition. My repetition is subtle, the 3 single eyes and the circles are my repetitive features. I really love the colors in this piece. It makes me think of fall. (Please come soon...the heat is melting my mind!!) If you can't read the saying it's from a poem called UPHILL by Christina Barrett, "Does the Road wind uphill all the day? Yes , to the Very end. Will the day's journey take the whole long day? From morn to night my friend......" The magazine cut out reads "Now Fully Grown, She Leaves her mother and Claims Her Space"....I put a hat on my girl as a little joke for my late Grandma....she always told me, "Now you better wear your hat around your ears, Jodi Lynn or you'll get an earache!!" I hated wearing hats. Messed up my big 80's hair do! So we take what we learned from those we love, claim our own space, and forge our own road along the way. I will grown, even if it is UPHILL. :)
Today I purchased the MEGA LOAD of magazines---114 National Geographic magazines!! Holy cow is right! Now don't be haters, it was about time I picked up something in mass quantity. My time was coming..LOL. Seriously, I am putting them to good use already--all the cut outs are from some of my "new" mags. I love altering the pictures. So much fun.
I need a life...go ahead and say it! Other than that, I didn't really buy anything much. I went to one sale and it was really really scary. Why???? Well this couple had a very very very big garage and it was FULLLLLL of CRAPOLA. They said that this was the 4th week of their sale, they were cleaning out their house!!!!!! I want you to envision 1000000's of items all over the stinkin place, little doo dads, big doodads, cups, plates, pictures, clothes, TONS OF CRAP. Everywhere. I wanted to call that lady from CLEAN HOUSE and get these people on the show. I dont' want to become those people!! I love the yard saling and thrifting, but I don't want sooooo much that the seams of the house bust wide open! Not to mention it was just out of control there. I did purchase a couple of things from them just to help the cause..LOL...contradicting myself, aren't I....the only things I saw worthy of saving (some floral tape, a small blue transfer plate, and a medium size heart box for decopauging), the rest was just plain crap. Where did they get all that stuff?? Do you think the lady was an out of control thrifter?? Pack rat?? Both?? Must be. May the force be with her as she attempts to get her space back from the thrifty black hole!
I hope everyone's Saturday was productive and artfully good! Till we meet again
Hello Lucy!!
Thank you for the comment on my blog today!!
I promise that I haven't forgot to send you what I told you I would!! I have a pile of stuff for several people to mail out, and am waiting for our monthly retirement check to come. Don't lose hope!!
You have some AWESOME collages here!! I love the queen with roses on her head!!
I hate when you go to the sale, and all there is is Crapola!!! We went to one here--the paper said HUGE ESTATE SALE...they opened the doors--I was the first one in--and I bet there wasn't 12 items in the WHOLE HOUSE!!!!!!LOL...I was steaming!!!Ok--I will hush now.
Wow--that's amazing! I would have never noticed the wallpaper if you hadnt' mentioned it. Your collages are so rich, with so many layers, both physically and emotionally.
I went to a sale like that recently too. I think they help remind us potential packrats to not get out of control!
I love your story about the yard sale. Lately, I've become overwhelmed by thoughts that I'm going to be like this in a few years...I still have a long way to go, but I could see myself getting there if I'm not careful. Just last week I took a big load back to the thrift store, so I hopefully I'll be OK.
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