Sometimes, you just never know where you will find inspiration. Maybe someone will say something so brilliant, you run and jot the phrase down before you forget so you can use it in your next great American Novel. Perhaps as you walk down the street, you see a perfect window display that inspires you to make a terrific dress. Inspiration might come from a trip to the Hallmark store- as you search through the plethora of cards you find inspiration for your next scrapbook layout. For me, a lot of my inspiration comes from magazines. Color combinations. Fonts. Decorating ideas. Art inspiration. Photos. The other day I was walking through Walgreens. (One of my favorite stores. I go there just about as often as I go to the gas station....which isn't my favorite store but I go there just about daily according to my bank statement..grrrrr). Anywhoo...I was walking through Walgreens and of course I have to stop by the magazine aisle and I see this magazine. Now, I do like Rachel. She's okay..but alright..let's be honest, she's getting on my every last nerve already. E-V-O-O-Extra Virgin Olive Oil. If you have to say what the acryonym is every flippin' time you use it..JUST SAY THE WHOLE SENTENCE!!!! Oh my goodness, I'm getting side tracked again....the point of this is I love her dress on the cover. It is just the cutest thing. I especially love the color combination of brown, lime green, and white. It speaks to me. I'm not sure what it's saying but it does speak to me.

Oh I know what it's saying....PAINT ME PAINT ME....so I listened to my inner muse and painted up this cute little trinket box in the inspiration colors and pattern. Kinda. I didn't have the magazine at the time because, well, I didn't purchase it (that's a good reason, huh?), so I just had to go from memory then I looked up the cover on the "net" and low and behold, I'm pretty good at remembering things. I had a brilliant, fabulous, wonderful idea to put my coordinating ribbon in the box and now I'm thinking, I should make a few more for the color combinations of other spools of ribbon I have. Never mind I have no place to put anything else on my shelves or desk, but heck..I could position the boxes throughout the house and fool all the guests I never have visit into thinking I have one of a kind decor. But then, I'd have to go on a scavenger hunt to find my supplies. I do that now anyway so what would be the difference? I might as well put them in something pretty.

Speaking of pretty. Not that you would know from my &%^$# blasted picture, but this is adorable in person. I made up this pretty, simple, pink-green-and cream centerpiece as a prototype for my Mom's upcoming wedding. Remember the one that I mentioned last post that's on My Dad's (new(er))..errrr current wedding anniversary. I mixed clear, pink, and green marbles in the glass bowl, placed on a mirror, added ribbon to the bottom, a dove to the side and adorned with one of the 5 tags I made this evening. The candle is larger than the one I envision using--but it is what it is, as that's all I had tonight to use for this test run. I'm thinking it may need two more candles in crystal votive sized holders off to the sides to add to it. The tables are going to be small so she didn't want anything overwhelming. My directions were simple, inexpensive, and elegant. Not sure if I accomplished my mission, but at least it's a work in progress. I really.. really..REALLY...am not liking this new camera. I can NOT get the indoors pictures right. I mean for the love of you know who....there has got to be a way to take pictures INDOORS!! Most of my crafting life is late at nite for cryin out loud, so my picture taking is not going to be outside in the most perfect of light for the majority of my pictures. WAHHHHHHH!
Rebecca's sister
Mandi so sweetly offered to help me because she is an actual paid photographer. I'm thinking Imight have to fly her in for a tutorial...LOL...but if I did that, I might as well just get a camera that takes fool proof indoor cameras. Do those exist? Oh yes....they are called DISPOSABLE CAMERAS!!! I never had problems with my trusty old disposable. At least the ones I actually developed seemed to take pretty good pictures...LOL.

Oh well..when you visit me, you just will have to take my word for it that my things are bright and colorful, not blurry and grayish!
May your life be full of each one and more.

Tomorrow--or soon to be today since I'm typing this up way late tonight on the 13th---is My Dear Father's birthday. Happy Birthday Dad! Hopefully I will see you this year!! You better stop on by on the way back up to NY or else!
Take it easy on the Margarita's if you go to that cool Mexican restaurant I know you like for your big day! Have one for me! Love ya.
I've been eye-balling that dress of Rachel's everytime I'm standing at line at the grocery store. Good thinking on the little boxes. They really turned out cute!
Oh, and happy birthday to your Dad!
The box is super cute.
Cameras make me want to poke my eyes out lately.
Your ribbon box is so pretty and I like that color combination too. And I love what you're coming up with for your Mom's wedding. Simple and elegant.
Have you tried using a tripod for your indoor pictures? Mine usually come out crummy when I'm indoors because I'm trying to use just natural light and keep the flash off, which usually results in camera shake. When I do actually drag out my tripod the photos are usually way better and much more clear! I'm just too lazy most of the time. ;)
What a cute box! I love that you let the dress inspire you!
Cute box and a neat way to store the ribbons.
Love the way you are thinking for your Mom's candle centerpiece. It looks elegant.
Wish I could help with the photo problem. I take most of mine at night. I make sure there is good light but I sometimes find NOT using the flash makes for a better pic then I adjust the colours and levels after and sharpen sometimes.
Hi Lucy, I am so with you on the saying the phrase after the acronym thing, completely pointless as much as it is annoying. She should trust by now that we get it. Anyway, I get accused of looking like her every now and then, so I hope for Rachel not to be annoying.
Also, I designed those popsicle placemats and coasters you have on the table. Did you buy them from a fundraising catalog??
Funny coincidence. You also did a beautiful job on the boxes.
Such a great idea to use your fabulously painted containers to hold like colored thingies! Yer so smuckinfart! Heh hheh.
The candle-scape is delightful! And a cheery birthday to your pops!
I like your thoughts on inspiration and how you were inspired to paint the little box - this was an especially fun post to read!
: )
gorgeous little box! ha! I remember Walgreens from our last trip to the states....my brother in law flew to St Louis for work and I gave him a long list - I told him to go find a Walgreens!
You are tooo cute!
I agree! Come on Rach, we get it!
Hey, I use a tripod too.... or my pics would be sooo fuzzy. And I got my two tripods at yard sales for a couple dollars each and they work great. Oh and set your camera on a delay... mine is on a 10 second delay. Alicia (Posy gets cosy) has a wonderful tutorial on how she gets such great pics!
Good luck!
Oooh, I found the tutorial of Alicia's "how I take pics"!
Like I said, it is sooo helpful!
linda t
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