MY CHALLENGE is to finish what you started! Ha! Now that's a challenge I really need to walk my own walk on! Okay so I'll start the process, here is a collage that I started, ohhhh maybe 2 months ago or so?? I'm going to link my page later as I have to review my archives for the exact post. I made it during a week long painting marathon--and there it sat. And sat. And sat. Until I finally decided--Okay you need to declutter around here and finish some projects before going on to anything new.
This collage represents the gift of friends. The two angelic girls could be Sisters, or perhaps they are friends. Maybe they are kindred spirits that are close to eachother through heart and soul despite the miles between them. True friends, are a RARE FIND...and when you find them...it is IN PERFECT HARMONY that you meld together as one. Loyalty, knowing others and knowing yourself....giving of yourself...all what friendship is about.
I've made a lot of friends through this blog. Some I "talk" to about daily. Others, I enjoy from a distance. I try to visit most of my "friends" every few days, and I have really, truly, enjoyed seeing your journeys in creativity over this last year that I have been blogging. Well, almost a year. My blogoversary isn't until September. I can't forget my first "online" friends though--some wonderful ladies on cooking message board that has evolved into so much more. I try to catch up with them at least once a week or so and enjoy hearing from them too and seeing how their lives have evolved from day to day. Then there are my lovely Sisters who stop by weekly here even though they don't post much--they track my doings and keep up with my shenigans through this blog. This weekened my younger sister, Sherry is stopping by on her way from Florida to our hometown in NY. (She's the real reason I went on a cleaning spree this weekend! :) Can't wait to catch up with her. I'll be catching up with my other Sister, Becky the following week when I travel home (Western NY) for Mom's wedding, which I'm excited to see everyone. For those of you who don't know me....I live smack dab in the middle of all my family---660 miles apart from my Mom and Becky, and 675 miles from Sherry and my Dad. No relatives here whatsoever, my life pretty much is consumed with my boys and work....that's it. No family to jaunt across town to and visit--so I tend to make a big deal about visitors coming or my trips back home (which are few and far between). Anywhoo.....I have enjoyed this connection I've made with so many of you, because its' a connection I'm lacking in most days.

Another view of my "Rare Find" collage

And a view of a few of my past projects--more are scattered through the house here and there. And yes---those are Christmas bulbs in that pitcher. I had a small tree perched there when you walk in the door during the holidays and I walk by them now every day for ummmm how many months and have yet to put the strays away. But that's just me. LOL
Hope your week is grand, and you have time for connecting with a few of your friends this week.....true friends are really a rare find so let them know your appreciation.
Take time out to "Finish Something You Started" this week and drop me a line so I can see your long lost project!!
So many times your posts are inspirational for me - and this is no different. I think that you and Vallen are just fantastic writers! You are so right about friendship, and I know you've made some great friends through these blogs, as I'm also beginning to. And I definitely (!) need to finish projects before tackling new ones. It's pitiful when you need a couple of Rubbermaid totes to store just the unfinished things in! I know you'll enjoy your sister's visit and then getting home for your Mom's wedding. Sounds like a fun time is ahead for sure.
What a perfect post for my thoughts this evening! I just got off the phone with one of my sisters and was thinking that I really need to call more than once a month. My sisters are my true friends now that we have all grown up. Like you it is alot of mile between me and my family, (which isn't always a bad thing, mind you!), and makes the times we do share together that much sweeter.
Hey girl! Have fun with your sister :)
I have been trying to use what I have this year as well... I occasionally slip and buy a little new somethin' something to craft with, but hey - as long as I'm using mainly things I already have, that counts right?
Ok. I'm totally lying... I buy lots of crap at thrift stores to use in projects, BUT that sort of counts cuz it used to be something someone had once. And now I have it. So I use it.
Ok. Maybe that doesn't count at all. Oh fiddlesticks. Anyways, enjoy your sister-time!
Gosh, you make me sound so cool! I too am trying to complete a few projects. I am very, very good at starting them, not so good at the completion part. Hope your time with your sister was fantastic!
Oh my goodness yes. I need to take up that cry too. Finsh what I start. I have a pile of those in the corner.
I love that friends collage Jodi!! It is my favorite.. Love Sherry
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