It can't possibly be almost mid September can it??? Holy smoly, where does time go??
This has been a whirlwind week as I was in Cincinnati filming new DVD's for the Artist Network (if you didn't know, I have 4 DVDS already available that I taped last year for them, check them out here!)
While I was there-I was surprised to see a preview of a beautiful new book I was blessed to have one of my large whimsical pieces featured in!

For those of you who may be interested, Incite 4 is coming out in just a few weeks and is a large compilation of a variety of amazingly talented mixed media and acrylic painters around the world! Pinching myself that I'm included with this elite group of artists!!
Here's a link to the book if you want to pre-order it!
Can I just say that this last experience filming my new DVD's was soooo fun? I was completely nervous, sick to my stomach flipping out type of nervous before I went but then somehow, someway, I calmed down a bit during my 10 hour drive from North Carolina to Cinci. I had a lot of time to think, rethink, analyze and prepare myself for the filming-but it's still scary. I am filled with anxiety anytime I do either something new, public speaking, or am in front of an audience. Even so, I try to mask my insecurity or fear enough to get started--once I'm there and in the moment I find away to rise up and face the challenge.
Do any of you have those jitters??
Back to being so much fun-the crew at F&W media (the same group of amazing people who bring you so many of the books and magazines in fine art, mixed media, writing, scrapbooking, beading, and wood working to name just a few in their catalog) made me feel so at home and we all kept each other laughing and playfulness all throughout the week. I know these videos will be fan-friggin-tastic~ Stay tuned-they will be released at the end of January and I'll certainly share more about that when I have a for sure date and pre-order info.
For now-here's a couple of pics from last weeks filming at the studio.
Brad actually made me feel very comfortable..he was so easy on the eyes to stare at ;)
Amy Jones-my fantastic producer for the videos and student for 2 of the days!
A little peak at one of the art on the set...stay tuned for a way cool video on Abstracts!
One of my new Abstracts on Yupo!
Awww...look at this lovely lady--The wonder girl behind Cloth Paper Scissors blog, social media maven for Artist Network and Create Mixed media-Cherie Haas. Cherie was my amazing student for the last two days of our taping. What fun we had!
Another peak at the set-the studio actually has 4 or 5 sets to switch around and use in this filming area. Last time I was in the 'house' we used the brick wall set, but I love the way my abstracts pop on the white walls of this studio set up.
Our last day...boohoooo, it went by so fast, really in a blink of the eye! Each day I was treated to having my hair and make up done by a professional, too. Kinda felt Pretty Womanish..haha!
I hope you enjoyed the look behind the scenes and the stroll down last weeks memories :)
While I have you, just a gentle reminder that Zen Painting: Pathways and Connections pre-sale price changes soon! Get this sale price through Wednesday, September 14th!

I am BEYOND humbled by how many of you have already signed up! My heart is soooo full of gratitude that you entrust me to guide you in this new magical process we will be doing starting October 5th.
If you want to be a part of our group of Zen painters-be sure to register soon to get the sale price!
(You will still get a special offer up until the class opens, however, the price goes up on Thursday).
These paints are just some of the 'magic' makers we will be using during class!
Who's in???
Be sure to click here for more info-see you in class hopefully!
Thank you all for taking the trip down memory lane with me and sharing in the excitement this awesome 'job' affords me. I'm truly blessed and I feel the energy and support my friends, students and followers send out in the world to me. Thank you, thank you!
Some of my Favorite Products Used this week during my Filming at F&W Media:
Golden High Flow Paint
Quin Nickel Azo Gold-How could you not love this color!
Sooo cool to see this! I never did anything like this, but I would surely also be nervous and I love your solution for an easier way to look to the camera, haha! Congrats on this, your works look gorgeous!
All of your creations are so gorgeous!! Congratulations on all your continued success and fun adventures!! Looking forward to all the art ahead!
I couldn't be happier for you!!
I am so happy that you quit that bank job and took the chance- you are an inspiration!!
Continued best wishes on all of your endeavors and everything you do! You Rock!!
hugs,Jackie ")
What a fun peek behind the scenes. Congratulations on having your beautiful work included in the new book.
Thanks for an extra chance to win!
Shared! Looking forward to it.
You have been busy...Congrats on all you have done...Can't wait for your book..
thank you for a chance to win a spot
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