I'm finding when I don't have the energy to paint, I am immensely enjoying playing with Photoshop! This is a photo I hijacked from my lovely niece, Bianca on her facebook page and then I altered it a bit to create cool layers of her portrait. Love it! Isn't if fun to learn a new skill? I am just imagining the possibilities as I explore what else I can do with my art and my amateur photos!
*****Learn the same techniques I used by visting Gail Schmidt's Creative Workshops website and sign up for her class, "How to Create a Digital Collage"!!
Speaking of photos/prints--Tonight ONLY I am having a 50% discount sale in my shop for any PRINT or ACEO!!! Simply Convo me with the word SWEET REPEATS in the message line after checking out and I will send you a revised invoice with your new price.
Other news---Don't forget to check out my post below for my new and exciting work shop that will be offered starting July 15th!! I'm really looking forward exploring new techniques and helping others find their creative side through my work shop. Fore more details on this work shop, visit Creative Workshops hosted by Gail Schmidt! I will be offering a free class to one random winner among those that sign up early--prior to June 15th! Spread the word!!!!
In addition to this class, I will be hosting a 1 day workshop at Jerry's Artarama in Raleigh, NC on March 6th, 2010.!!!!! Whoooohoooo. I'm really honored to have been invited to do this project! I'm even more excited because I was invited rather than applied for the opening! My creative world seems to be coming together in so many ways, it's really amazing and I truly feel blessed to have this opportunity as well as many others I have been afforded. The other day I got a call from one of the owners of a shop that I am in to tell me that I had a HUGE sale--I sold my big piece, Spring Journey along with 5 other original paintings to a new collector!! Oh my. To say I about fell out, is an understatement!!!
One thing I have been falling behind in is my blogging and visiting other blogs. There never seems enough time to do it all but I'm trying my best to keep up! To the hell with the laundry when there is so much goodness around to discover...lol!
Hope your week is a creative one!
you go girl on the photoshop stuff!! isn't it fun? some nights i am torn about whether i will create collages or play with photos in PS. lie you, i'm an amateur photographer but am enjoying every minute of it! you have SO much wonderful creativity going in your life right now. enjoy every minute of it.
Wow--you have some really exciting things going on!! I'm so happy for you :oD
Teaching a class is a brave thing to do...I'm proud of you. I hope you enjoy it!
Congrats on the sales..that's great! A collector hmmmm?! Could be more sales in the future too!
I'm so happy to come and hear all your good news...keep up the good work!
Smiles, Karen
Congrats on the workshop and teaching gigs! Sounds like your creative world is really coming together. And congrats on all those sales!!!!
Jodi, Your niece is beautiful and the colage you made in PS is just as beauriful as she is. I am so impressed with all that you have accomplished and everything that you are doing to reach your ultimate goals. Press on, I'm loving it and your artworks. Congrats on everything.
Congrats! No wonder you're too tired to paint ;D Yeah, PS is great for "instant" gratification isn't it (Mind you the "instant" takes several hours for some of us)
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