
Thursday, March 23, 2017

Better Late Than Never! The Winner Is....

You know what they say, "Better Late Than Never"!!  So sorry this is soooooo delayed, no excuses other than I've been knee deep in paint as I get ready for some big upcoming events and haven't really turned on my computer so I can stay focused.  Anyone want to be a virtual assistant??? I think it's about time I start thinking about hiring someone!!!!  They could have posted for me and I wouldn't have felt like such a slacker! lol

Thank you all for all the kind words of support over  my new DVD's just released, your shares, and for the great ideas about new classes!!!  I soooo appreciate it!

For those of you who would like to order one or more of the videos, here are some quick links to the North Light store:

My 4 New DVDs:
1.   Graffiti Grunge Art: Abstract Painting on Yupo
2.  Texture Techniques for Abstract Art
3.  Art Journal Jam

4.  Zen Painting Workshop

And now, without further adieu....The winner of my four DVD set is...drum roll please!

Blogger Elisa Ablett said...
I would love to win this amazing prize!! Definitely would love to learn more about cold wax and also painting on yupo. Thankyou for the opportunity
5:23 PM
Blogger Elisa Ablett said...
Shared on facebook- my email is
5:25 PM

Congratulations Elisa!   I am so happy you won!!! Enjoy the set!

For my next online class, I will be doing a new version of Zen Painting entitled, "Zen Houses", in essence, I'll be meshing up some of the techniques from Zen Painting and Funky Little Houses for a ultra fun and sooooo whimsical groupings of some of the best houses on the block!  Just like all of my classes, you can expect to learn in depth techniques through well thought out exercises and practice sessions before we move through a variety of projects that increases in difficulty/or size before we work on a final project.

I expect the class to go live in August so if you want to be on the early bird sign up,  I have created a special interest newsletter list that will inform you when the class will launch and the special sale price for all early birds.   To get on that list, please sign up HERE.  *Early-Early birds will get the absolute lowest price offered until the class is about 6 months old just an FYI :)

Here's some more sampler pieces I've worked on recently so you can get an idea of what Zen Houses will be like. SOOO MUCH FUN! I hope you can join in with me!

That's all she wrote for today, again thank you all for playing along and I apologize for the delay in my posting!     Happy Thursday to you and yours!


  1. Congrats to Elisa! The Zen Houses workshop will be so much fun!... already looking forward to it!

  2. Wow! Thankyou so so much, so exciting !! ❤


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