
Friday, June 05, 2015

No Regrets. A giveaway and Video Blog

It was merely a week ago today that I was wrapping up the last video I was taping with the folks at FW media, and I have to tell you friends that it was probably one of the scariest things I have done yet. I mean really, really scary to me. If you could be inside my head while I was driving from North Carolina to Ohio,  you'd have thought I was on my way to an execution one minute and then the next minute you'd hear prayers of gratitude for this opportunity to do something I have wanted to do for so long!   How can one have such conflicting emotions about doing something so dang cool?

I think it has to do a lot with stepping outside of your comfort zone and putting yourself into a vulnerable position.  I don't like doing that.  Yet, I love doing that.   It's a crazy life to lead when you have introverted ways with extroverted tendencies.  Does that make sense?

I understand how emotionally up and down this can be so I can totally relate to those of you who go through something similar. That's also why you often hear me preach the sentiment- in order for one to succeed in life and live out your dreams, you must act on your goals...even when they include doing something that is scary as can be.  The belief in yourself and your vision needs to rise above your fears.

And you know what?  Most of the time, the fear is 99% conjured in your mind and so not as scary as you believe it to be. The advice I was given over and over again was to slow down and breathe.

Just breathe.  Simple words but powerful.  Next time you are about to take a big step,  a big plunge...remember to breathe and believe you can do it.  Even if you fall down, you will get back up.

  I also have to tell you that the first time I proposed the video outlines to the powers that be, they weren't immediately accepted. So,  I tucked them away for a few months while I sat down and rethought out my ideas...and then, out of the blue.....I just brought them back out and got back down to business and sent them in again revised with the suggestions. At first they accepted 3 of the ideas, and then they said...hey, let's  do one more.

Moral of the story,   a 'no' not now, isn't a 'no', not ever....and another moral of the story is,   if you avoid that what you fear most of your life, you will also avoid that which you dream about doing.

One of my fears is living with regrets.   I know I'll have some when my time is called, but I want there to be as few regrets on my list of wanna dos and wanna be's as I can possibly have.   It's not always easy getting past the fear of being vulnerable, but when you do....doors open and amazing things can happen.

So that's my preachy preach for today :) Hope it resonates with one or two of you, if nothing else, to let you know that no matter who you are or what you do...we all are made of the same cloth and have similar fears and anxieties deep within our hearts.   You can over come them and rise above!

Oh heck...let's do one more about a give away?    I haven't done one in awhile!
Leave a comment on this post and tell me something you have overcome that was fear based for you recently. We want to hear your story!

Winner will get a $40 gift certificate to my Etsy shop valid for the rest of June. (Use it or lose it ;)

I'll pick a random winner on Monday, June 8th.
And for those of you that want to shop now....I have a thank you coupon for 10% off my shop that is valid for any time between now and June 12th.

Use code "Hellosummer"

BTW---I do NOT have the birds or many of the pieces featured in the video blog in my Etsy shop, but if you see one you like, let me know and I can put it in there for you.  Most of my new work is going to several of my shops and for a teaching event in 2 weeks.

Prices if you are interested:

small wood birds:  30.00
6x6 single peeps  48.00
8x8    canvas  60.00
11x14  birds and watercolor 174
20 x 20 feathers  on wood  400
12 x 36 ( I believe there are 3 featured in the video) 445

You can use the coupon on any of these, too.

Sold-Top Right  
Sold  Middle Right
Sold- Bottom left
Sold  8x8 canvas  Wear your Feathers

*if you are interested in any of these remaining pieces, please email me at, or stop by my Etsy shop and message me. I am not going to list most of these as they are going to a show/shop--but as readers and followers of my blog I'm offering you first pic! :))

Here is a little snippet of some of my new work...hope you enjoy and are inspired.  Don't forget to leave a comment to get in on the giveaway!!

One last thing--If you are in Florida or ready to take a road trip, I'll be teaching at the Art More Place in Melbourne, Florida  June 19-21.   Check out my last blog post for more details.


  1. As much as I do love living where I do.. I would love to be somewhere closer just to be able to see you in live. Just rewatching the videos from Podtastic.. love it, still love it :)

  2. Jodi, you have been a huge influence on my enjoyment of painting and art making! Your Funky LIttle Cityscapes is still my favorite painting class. I learned so much. I love the others too! I have overcome my fear of posting art that isn't perfect, just putting it out there to share and enjoy growth with the other wonderful art communities. There are fantastic supportive people in these communities and I enjoy your online classes so much. I wish I could thank you enough for your generous sharing and for all of the hard work you put into your classes. I hope to meet you one day!

  3. I've overcome a lifetime thinking I had no artist abilities at all even though I was always interested in art. Finally, in the midst of a relationship ending I happened upon a tutorial and I had the idea that I was free to do what I wanted and had nothing whatsoever to lose, and the courage to try, and try again, and to keep on trying. I've learned so much, most importantly, the importance of never saying never along with the will to keep growing and learning and practicing making art. There is no end in sight. You, Jodi Ohl, are a wonderful and accessible teacher. Your classes have a lot of depth and built-in practicing of techniques and approaches. I'm learning so much with your Pod-tastic class. You make things so clear and you are so supportive. Maybe someday you'll teach in Seattle!!

  4. I've recently discovered you on IG and see that you're teaching at Donna Downey Studios next January right around the time of my birthday, so I am thinking of treating myself. I also love any chance to visit Donna & Bill! In 2014 I started taking classes and painting again after over 25 years of NOT painting or sketching. I had put my passion for art on the back burner while I raised my family and worked, but became an avid scrapbooking storyteller. And, I had essentially become a hermit - hahaha! I chose to face the fear of learning (and, re-learning) with groups of strangers at workshops and retreats. I'm happy to say that I've rekindled my artsy interests, learned some wonderful skills, and made some amazing friends in the process. I'm inspired by your quirky colorful images and appreciate the chance to win absolutely anything you'd be giving away!!

  5. Really stepping out with my paintings in the past year was scary for me at my age but I have found that God says, "perfect love casts out all fear", and that is what I believe. Because of the power He has given me to accomplish the plans He has for me I can do anything. So, as I move into each day I paint, exhibit and enter competitions and it is not about the winning but about using my talent given to me to give the world a piece of who I am.

  6. For me it would about getting my act together and flying to Providence, RI last June (with my darling daughter Julie, to take CZT training.
    Wow…could I do this?
    Was I good enough?
    Suffice to say it was the highlight of my year! And a great bonding time for my daughter and me too.

  7. My, where to start? The comment you made about your introvert/extrovert personality strikes home. Before ReMe, my introvert who is terrified of many things had the loudest voice. Now my extrovert, Jae, speaks loudly on a daily basis giving me confidence and security as well as courage to face the fears which my introvert deals with. It is odd, Jodi, how it almost feels like I have two sides to my personality that I have just realized. Weird.

    One of my biggest fears was driving on busy highways with a ton of trucks. That is what kept me from going places and seeing things for a very long time. I almost could feel the "circle" drawing tighter and tighter, pulling in and around the comfort zone in which I would drive. I had to break that circle somehow to keep my fears from restricting my mobility completely. Well..I have begun to venture out and just decided one day to jump on the freeway. Even though I was initially nervous, I told my head to clam up, and drove! I feel like a weight has been lifted! YaY

    I am thankful for you and ReMe, for if I had not been there, I might not have ever discovered the strong side of me, the side that says "just do it!"

  8. A fear I have overcome? This is too easy. First, some background: I was a decent student in K-12, getting As and Bs. I only got 2 Cs ever: Home Ec and Art. Well, I migrated into a career in computer software development, and later got a PhD in quantitative psychology. All left-brained stuff.

    When I was in grad school, running complex mathematical simulations by day, a friend got me started quilting in my spare time. I wasn’t a natural. In fact, whenever I showed her the combinations of fabrics I had selected for a quilt, she would screw up her face and say “Well, that’s … interesting.” But somehow it soothed me to surround myself with pretty fabrics after a day of numbers and hard thinking. And the basic geometry of quilts appealed to me. I only gave quilts to people who knew nothing about quilting, so they wouldn’t judge my lack of skill. I was self-taught from books because I was too insecure to attend a quilting class.

    Fast forward to 2012. Work had been exhausting for years, and I got a wild idea. I went to CREATE NJ. Didn’t know a soul there but checked into the hotel and figured I could survive 3 days in this unfamiliar environment. My very first class---EVER---was EZ Peezy Photo Collage Projects, with the delightful Ms. Jodi Ohl. As other students described their backgrounds (a lot of art teachers, if memory serves) my heart was pounding in my ears. I knew I didn’t belong there. But you all know it went fine. People were lovely and Jodi made me comfortable. And now I am an official art junkie. I tell people my obsession with crafting is motivated by those Cs in Home Ec and Art---I’ll show those teachers! Thank you, Jodi!

  9. Paula7:15 PM

    Jodi I feel like all the words you spoke - were my words. My fears. I use to teach and because of some personal issues the past 4 years I couldn't find my muse and had to work instead of 25 hours a week - 45 hours a week. Mainly, too many worries when I sat down to create and could not even pull out paint or my soldering iron. Finally I can smile again and for the past year have been creating. I took your funky house class which I loved. Well I have a friend who has been asking and asking me to teach at her shop and I was afraid. Afraid that I don't have it anymore. Afraid that my students will be disappointed. Do I still have it and will they be bored to tears with me. But then I remembered that my classes were always full with 30 students with so many compliments and happy students. So I thought maybe I could do this again. Well I have got my nerve up and now I'm going to teach in the fall. My post it note on my desk that I read every day is: "It all begins and ends in your mind. What you give power to has power over you if you allow it." This is so me and it seems like so many others in the world.

    I have to work full-time and so I don't get to create many hours during the week because my body just won't let me no matter how much I want to. But I know it won't always be this way. I want to create EVERY SINGLE DAY and am mad because I have to go to work, but I am grateful for the inspiration from you and so many others that GET ME INTO MY STUDIO!

  10. Oh Jodi! Your I don't wanna / I can't wait to thing makes perfect sense to me. I generally feel that way when I make plans to take classes - dreading the packing and traveling, yet always being so happy when I am there and in the moment. Your Ocracoke event was that for me, yet once I arrived and found my NEW comfort spot, the friendship and art learning was such a delight... as was the outside shower the last evening there... another first for me! You are on target for your goals, don't let nerves hold you back!

  11. I have a lot of fears and I do battle with them daily. One that I've overcome is doing something brand new, in the public forum, all by myself, this time it was simply going for a daily walk in the park along the river. Now I'm addicted. I've met new friends although they are squirrels, ducks, geese, a few pet doggies and a couple feral cats! But I'm not afraid to walk this path by myself anymore. Now I need to walk the other path towards the duck pond. One goal at a time!

  12. Jodi, I want to say how proud I am of you. I've watched you build your business from the ground up and You're an inspiration in my everyday life. I'm just starting out as an artist, trying to get a feel for what I want to do with my talent really. Just recently I've realized that I have anxiety problems and that I've been living with it for quite some time. Basically, I'm afraid of what people might think or say about me when I do the simplest tasks (ex; walking, drawing, getting a tissue in class, etc...). Upon realizing this, I started telling myself that everybody is focused on themselves and that I'm just in the background doing a normal thing. This tactic is working pretty well for me and I've become confident enough to dye my hair blue. :D <3 :D

  13. You all mean the world to me, thank you for sharing your hearts! xoxo

    Brittany, I'm here if you need anything or any advice. I'm proud of you too. Love Aunt Jodi

  14. I've had to do a LOT of "breathing" since my husband died in December. There have been so many new things I've had to tackle on my own, full of fear but not having a choice. Things like taxes, and changing over accounts, car titles, working with service providers. Some days, and some tasks, are easier than others, that's for sure. Just this past week, I went to New York City by myself. I went to re-live memories of trips with my husband, to cry, to learn how to still love the city without him. The scariest thing was walking from Lincoln Center back to Times Square at 11:30 at night, but I did it! And I didn't freak out.

  15. Just breathe is one of my mottos too. I forget to breath when I have to speak in a group. I taught two classes to my guild and had to get over that fear. Also trying to finish the houses I started in your class in Dallas. Afraid of ruining it. I promised myself I would finish it this month. It will be a gift to myself when I do.

    I tried to go to your shop, would love one of your birds but couldn't find any.

  16. my biggest fear is a simple one - injections - I face them on a four to six weekly basis. I am not as bad as I used to be BUT still don't like them.....
    You would think now that I am in my sixties I would be "over it" LOL

  17. Mary Hurlburt8:22 AM

    A fear that I have overcome recently is posting my art for others to see. I took your Podtastic class and decided it was time to bite the bullet and put myself out there. It was all good.

  18. Carina - elakmor@yahoo.com9:45 AM

    Watching your video made me decide to close my laptop and go work on a few pieces of my own. Thanks for the jumpstart.
    And hey, I love your use of color.

  19. The most recent fear I have over come was learning to let go in my Art and my life.. My life is insanely crazy and I have always been very organized as a need to "feel" like there is some kind of order to things. I have learned through my husband's illness and through my art, that we only have this one magical beautiful life and if we don't just let things happen without always having Structure and schedules , then we are going to miss some of the best moments in life meant just for us. I have learned to stop scheduling my life and my days as much as possible, to color outside the lines and to open my eyes and heart to everyday magic. Kudos to you and your beautiful art and inspiration, keep shining! XO

  20. Nancy Williams12:11 PM

    A year ago in May I packed up my stuff and left a guy who I had lived with for 24 years down in a horrible house in Baytown, Texas, and took drove my Ryder rent truck to Emerson, Arkansas to start a new life living in the same town as my best friend. I had to use a makeshift stool with a rope on it to get down out of the truck and get in...I also started trying to move around more and lost 50 lbs. I went from a walker to being able to go up stairs (with a railing). I have a lot more weight to lose but I will get there eventually. I have also revived my artwork and usually paint or draw everyday. I am thankful to God and my family and friends for overcoming fear and making positive changes. Love my life! Thanks!

  21. Fabulous post, Jodi - I fight with fear constantly, the most recent being making a decision to give an online class. Watch for it soon! :D

  22. Meg M.11:43 AM

    this is an amazing post. I just found you through Donna Downey and the announcement that you will be teaching in her studio in January. I'd like to think I don't have any fears... but that is far from the truth. One of my big fears is that if I don't get my home and affairs together NOW that I will die suddenly (like my father) and leave a hot mess behind. Slowly but surely this past year, I have been plugging away at things. Each day presents new struggles and new opportunities for joy. Looking forward to getting to know more about you and your art.

  23. Love reading your posts Jodi! I am the oldest of five - and I always thought, the only one who didn't seem to have any artistic ability - at least not at an early age like the rest of my sibs. And I had a high school art teacher tell me I didn't belong in his class after 2 days. I figured he was an expert and must be right when he said I had no talent. A few years ago, in my late 50's, one of my dear friends, who is an awesome artist, coaxed me to at least TRY my hand at drawing and said what did I have to lose? She taught me some basic techniques and gave me lots of encouragement. After a year of dabbling, I took Drawing I at our local university and got an A-! My prof told me to keep practicing and taking classes. Now I know that everyone can draw or paint - it just takes learning how and lots & lots of practice. I may never be a Picasso, but that's ok, because it brings me lots of joy and relaxation and just the knowledge that I overcame that fear! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway!

  24. Oh Jodi,
    You are such an inspiration~ I live with the fear and anxiety of rejection on a daily basis. I am just coming to the realization that I do matter and I can make a little difference in someones day. I look strong and healthy on the outside ~ but, deep down......... I am depressed and nervous! I try to at least smile at the people I come in contact with. All I am hoping for is a smile in return and that makes a huge difference in my day. Each day is a new day and someday, I will look back and smile at how far I have come. Love ya Jodi! <3

  25. You're an inspiration on many levels! Love the direction your works taking. I love abstracts but these little birds have captured my heart. Love how you take chances and put yourself out there. Bravo.

  26. Art and creating have always been part of who i am. But in the last year ive been feeling drawn to sharing what i love in a more real and public i offered my creative services to the local senior center. With little art teaching/facilitating exp they said yes! And i have been sharing my joy for 6 months now! I was terrified that first day but now i am so eager to get there. My students love art and they love me.... And i was worried.

  27. u r one of the most inspiring artists I have ever met! I love your work! I am the proud owner of 2 of your pieces...hope to buy more or win one ;-)

  28. Such a wonderful story and beautiful art!

  29. Hi Jodi. Thanks for sharing your experience--I am so happy for you that you got this opportunity. You amaze me with all of the fires you have burning on different fronts of your art career. That's why you're doing so well. And so many of the things you said in this post resonated with me. I agree 100% that we have to push past our fears/anxieties in order to live our dreams. I have made that my mantra with my writing business, and now I'm trying to make that my mantra with my art--which comes much more from my heart than my health articles, so it's much scarier to pursue it. It's taken me until my 50s to get up the nerve! Thank you for all you do!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! I appreciate your feed back and want to hear from YOU!