
Monday, September 01, 2014

Is There A Right Answer?

It was recently asked of me by a business coach,  am I an Artist who Teaches, or a Teacher who is an Artist?  My first response was that I am an Artist who Teaches but then as the discussion dug down deeper about what I do and why I do what I do...the question surfaced again,  "So I ask you again, are you an Artist who Teaches or a Teacher who is an Artist? Because you do realize all we have talked about for the last hour is about your teaching!"   I never really thought about it in those terms before and I'm not sure that there is any one right answer, but I do know that I thoroughly enjoy teaching art to my students who after several years of doing this --are all scattered throughout the world.  Some, I'm lucky enough to have met in person but even those who I connect with online are are ones that I'm blessed to have in my life. I'm lucky all the way around, whichever way you look at it and whoever it is I am, or whoever it is that I've become. I enjoy both creating art, and teaching about it.

I love seeing my students smiles when they are having fun and in their element. Or hearing about a breakthrough when they create something they didn't think they could do when first walking through the door.   I enjoy  them quietly (or not so quietly!!! )  share stories and getting to know one another as the day(s) progress during a workshop and retreat.

I feel compelled to share my own stories so that the students feel that we are connected in ways that they hadn't ever realized so that they know that they can do this or that too!   It isn't that hard once you roll up your sleeves and dig in.  You took the first step by showing up, now allow your muse to appear on the canvas. She may not be pretty at first but as you work through that awkward stage, you will come out on the other side to something amazing!  There are always many breakthroughs, some easier than others to work past but they are all, they are ALL....worth it!

Admittedly, I don't know all the rules or even all the answers but I will share with you practices and techniques I've come to favor and employ in my own work-the why behind what I do, what I use, and how I do it is shared and broken down so that you feel empowered to create from whatever stage in the journey you are on. There is something for everyone to learn, every day, and every time.

I teach you how to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes because Lord knows I make enough myself but I don't give up. Even when I give up, I don't give up if that makes sense. I figure out how to move past a slip up and turn it into a "Holy cow, I can't believe this worked or look at what this turned into now!".  Some of my best discoveries have come from mistakes or some of my best paintings were ones that I renovated the second or third time around.

Honestly, it is hard to master anything in one day or a several hours but I strive to give you the tools that you need when you walk out  of the classroom (or finish an online workshop) to lay the foundation to mastery, and the knowledge to realize that mastery is hardly ever found because we ALL continue to grow and evolve the more and more we do something.     I hope I give you, the student,  confidence to know that you are more than capable of greatness.   That is a secret sauce that goes into what I do when I teach.

I hope that when I teach you, you see that even seemingly simply design has many layers of love and time put into it. That good things don't just happen immediately but they do happen with more work, more love, more details, and more time put into them.  I hope that when I ask you to find that place that makes you happy when you create, you dig deep and find somewhere you can build on as you compose your own mini masterpiece that makes you smile while you immerse yourself in the process.

Going back to the original question, am I an Artist who Teaches, or a Teacher is an Artist--I think the answer is clear. I am a Teacher who at the core of her being,  couldn't do what she does without being an artist first and foremost.  They are all connected. I hope I can connect with you if you are ready to be one of my students now or in the future. Either way, we are connected and not that different from one another, I've seen and heard it many times over.   I know this above all, I enjoy what I do immensely and I have passion for who I've become and can't wait to share it with anyone who is willing to participate, listen, and create with me-or on the flip side, collect and cherish the art I've brought into this world.

That's the mark I've made so far in this journey.   The calling, the purpose after the main purpose which is to be a mother to my boys.  It's all connected in many ways. :)  I hope you find a calling or purpose that fills your heart with passion.

(All the above pictures feature classes I'll be teaching at Create in Dallas Texas in about 2 weeks!!!)

Waterflowing Selfie,  Mini City,  Glazed and Not so Confused, Angelic Inspirations,  and Ornamental--can be purchased through the Create Texas Website. Stop by HERE to find more information. PLUS I will also be vending at the artist faire that Friday evening. 

Dates for the event are September 17th-21st , 2014.

There are many opportunities to learn and enjoy yourself in one of my many classes over the next few months both in person and online! I'm going to feature some of those events/classes over the next few days so stay tuned!!!    My newest online class is being released,  September 12th.  We are offering a pre-sale price on this workshop  "Grunge Ink" through the opening so don't miss out on the opportunity to explore contemporary abstracts on a unique surface!

Stop here for more details and to register :)  


  1. I love your art...all of it. Maye you will come to South Florida one day to teach =)

  2. Hi Jodi, how long does the grunge ink class go for? Have you got more details to share? Thanks

  3. Hi Fran! The Grunge Ink class is open ended, so you can work at your own pace for as long as you need. It will be open at least 12 months, likely longer. Here is a quick link for you:


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